entertainment industry

Capturing Kingsley Nwaogu: A New York Headshot Session with Rory Lewis

Capturing Kingsley Nwaogu: A New York Headshot Session with Rory Lewis

To create a headshot that truly reflects Kingsley Nwaogu’s unique talents and persona, it was essential to delve into his career and character. Known for his roles in diverse and intense films, Nwaogu’s headshot needed to convey both his depth and approachability. The goal was to highlight his ability to embody complex characters while showcasing his natural charm and versatility.

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Capturing Ariel Kim: A Los Angeles Studio Session with Rory Lewis

Capturing Ariel Kim: A Los Angeles Studio Session with Rory Lewis

To create a headshot that truly reflects Ariel Kim’s unique talents and persona, it was essential to delve into her career and character. Known for her roles in dramatic series, Kim’s headshot needed to convey both her intensity and warmth. The objective was to highlight her ability to embody complex characters while showcasing her natural charisma and approachability.

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Capturing Young Lee: A Los Angeles Headshot Session with Rory Lewis

Capturing Young Lee: A Los Angeles Headshot Session with Rory Lewis

Young Lee, an emerging talent in the acting world, is quickly making a name for himself with his impressive range and captivating performances. Capturing the essence of such a promising actor requires a skilled photographer who can bring out the depth and versatility of their subject. Rory Lewis, a renowned photographer with over two decades of experience, is the perfect choice for this task. His expertise in creating stunning and impactful headshots has made him a sought-after photographer for actors and celebrities alike.

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Capturing Michael Cullen: A New York Headshot Session with Rory Lewis

Capturing Michael Cullen: A New York Headshot Session with Rory Lewis

Before the session, it was essential to delve into Michael Cullen’s body of work and his unique persona. Cullen's roles in intense dramas and diverse genres suggested the need for a headshot that could convey both his serious and versatile nature. His headshot needed to reflect his depth as an actor while also showcasing his approachable and dynamic personality.

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Capturing Robert Lee Hart: The Art of Crafting an Actor’s Headshot with Rory Lewis

Capturing Robert Lee Hart: The Art of Crafting an Actor’s Headshot with Rory Lewis

Rory Lewis’s studio, located in downtown Los Angeles, provided the perfect setting for the headshot session. The setup included:

  • Lighting: Soft, even lighting was used to accentuate Hart’s features, creating a flattering and professional look without harsh shadows.

  • Background: A simple, neutral background was chosen to keep the attention on Hart, ensuring his expressions were the focal point.

  • Direction: Throughout the session, Rory provided expert direction, encouraging Hart to explore various expressions and angles. This guidance is essential in capturing the subtle nuances that make a headshot truly impactful.

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Introducing Full Body Option for Headshots: Elevate Your Portfolio with Rory Lewis Photography

 Introducing Full Body Option for Headshots: Elevate Your Portfolio with Rory Lewis Photography

At Rory Lewis Photography, we are excited to announce a new addition to our headshot services: the Full Body Option. This new service is available for an additional $125 on top of any actor’s headshot or corporate headshot package. Our studio, based in Los Angeles and with branches in New York and London, is renowned for crafting headshots that truly encapsulate the essence and individuality of each client.

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Capturing Essence: Rory Lewis' Signature Headshots with Actor David Lanigan in Los Angeles

Capturing Essence: Rory Lewis' Signature Headshots with Actor David Lanigan in Los Angeles

Rory Lewis, a luminary in the world of photography, stands as a maestro behind the lens, particularly renowned for his unparalleled headshots. In the bustling landscape of Los Angeles, his work has become synonymous with excellence, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.

With an industry reputation that precedes him, Rory's headshots are not merely photographs; they are a testament to his ability to distill the very essence of his subjects. In the realm of actors, Rory understands the profound significance of each headshot as a powerful tool in a fiercely competitive market.

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Cameron Loureiro's Debut Headshot Session at Rory Lewis Photography Studio

Cameron Loureiro's Debut Headshot Session at Rory Lewis Photography Studio

Embark on the exciting journey of Cameron Loureiro, a budding actor making his mark in the vibrant world of Los Angeles. In collaboration with acclaimed photographer Rory Lewis, Cameron's debut headshot session at the Rory Lewis Photography Studio becomes a captivating prelude, capturing the raw potential and authenticity that define his unique approach to the craft.

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Capturing Headshots for Actor Lorenzo Brunetti: Elevating Portfolios with Rory Lewis

Capturing Headshots for Actor Lorenzo Brunetti: Elevating Portfolios with Rory Lewis

With an illustrious career spanning numerous notable film and television productions, Lorenzo Brunetti has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry. Known for his roles in "The Wing Man" (2012), "Badass Showdown" (2013), and "Happyland" (2014), Lorenzo's talent and charisma have garnered him widespread recognition.

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